About Me

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I'm project manager of a software development team at www.researchspace.com. I've been developing bioinformatics software for the last 9 years or so, and I'm hoping to share some of the experience and knowledge I've gained with Eclipse RCP, Java web app development and software development in general on these blogs.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

SWTBot code coverage

Today I'm going to discuss what a great boost to test code coverage is provided by the SWTBot toolkit for Eclipse RCP applications.

We develop an Eclipse RCP app, SBSIVisual, that contains a mixture of 'core' domain objects and UI packages. Using just JUnit tests, we cover about 22% of the code base with about 42000 test instructions for 71000 production code instructions. If we think about the effort needed to write these tests, we're writing a lot of test code for not a huge coverage.

When we run our SWTBot functional tests, though,  we get a 35% code coverage with 11000 test instructions. Not only do we get a more efficient test:source ratio (1:6.5 for SWTBot, 1:1.75 for Junit), we also get a better test coverage. Moreover, if we merge our Junit and SWTBot results, we get a 47% code coverage overall - indicating that both sets of tests are covering a substantial amount of non-redundant code. 

Now, I don't know enough testing theory to know if these figures are 'typical' - the coverage might be a bit low for purists - but we are small group of  developers, with mixed enthusiasm for testing, working in a technical application with no dedicated testing or QA staff. I feel though that these figures could be quite reproducible in many other applications.

An additional advantage of SWTBot tests is their resilence to refactoring. We make quite severe refactoring from time to time which usually requires a fair amount of work in adapting the JUnits. However so long as the UI remains relatively unchanged, often the SWTBot tests do not need to be altered at all, as the underlying object model is hidden to the user operations mimicked by SWTBot.

The key caveat in the above statement is ' the UI remains relatively unchanged. '  How can we get round this problem? Our policy is to not write SWTBot tests immediately when we implement new functionality - we hold off until we are fairly sure that the UI is 'fit for purpose' with our users and at least the look and feel is acceptable for the next release. Then we write them, based on the use cases, to avoid regressions and only have to make minor changes for incremental changes in functionality. The use of PageObjects is also very helpful, so the details of the UI at the widget level, can be hidden from the test author and also kept in a single class.

Another great feature of SWTBot, is that if you link in your tests to your Ant build, you can be really confident your deployed app will run! This used to be big problem for us - the unit tests would be fine, but a feature might be missing a dependency that would only be detected at runtime with the dreaded ClassDefNotFound exception thrown. Now, we have virtually eliminated manual testing, other than a brief sanity check before each release. 

All this enthusiasm for SWTBot may look like I'm   knocking  the Junits here - far from it. We run the Junits much more frequently, they take seconds rather than minutes to execute, and are resilient to other changes. For example, if we develop a new UI, the Junits will still be relevant, but the SWTBot tests are only useful for our Eclipse-RCP based UI.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Headless SWTBot testing for the Eclipse RCP mail example project

Today I'm going to describe the steps needed to run the SWTBot functional tests headlessly. Although there is some documentation on the SWTBot wiki pages I've not found a complete example using a simple project such as the RCP Mail client example project.

The aim of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to set up headless SWTBot test for the RCP mail application. I am no expert in this, but I thought it might be useful to provide a set of instructions using an example that everyone can access, at least to get a working example to begin with. To be able to follow this tutorial it is best if

  • You have some experience using SWTBot in the Eclipse IDE
  • You have some knowledge of Ant builds and Eclipse PDE builds.

This tutorial is based on input from several sources : from Ralf Ebert's tutorial blog on p2 builds , from Kai Toedter's mp3 client demo RCP app , and Ketan Padegaonkar's SWTBot tutorial at EclipseCon 2010 and the SWTBot wiki pages.

The main steps in this tutorial are

  1. Create an RCP mail application and feature.
  2. Develop a headless build for the RCP mail app.
  3. Develop an SWTBot based test plugin to test the UI of the mail app
  4. Develop a headless build and execution of the SWTBot tests.

Set up:

This tutorial is set up using Eclipse 3.5.2. You will need two copies of Eclipse, one as your IDE and one as a target to compile against. The target should contain the RCP delta pack , and the full PDE feature set. Both Eclipses should have SWTBot installed (best done through the update site). This tutorial uses Galileo, I've not checked with Helios or Ganymede if this works. The Galileo update site is available at http://download.eclipse.org/technology/swtbot/galileo/dev-build/update-site.

All the projects are available in zipped workspace here

Step 1 : Create RCP mail application:

This takes several stages: create the RCP app, create a product, create a feature,

and do an export build using features.

a ) Create RCP app

Switch to a clean empty workspace

  • Set your target Eclipse to be the Eclipse into which you've installed the RCP delta pack.

  • Create a new plugin project called 'mail'. Make sure you have chosen that it is an RCP application(Pic).
  • Choose 'RCP Mail Template' as the example template. Otherwise accept all defaults.

CHECKPOINT :Select the newly created mail project, right-click Run As-> Eclipse Application - it should run!

b) Create a product file

Now we're going to create a product file for our mail application.

Select the mail project, right-click and choose 'New Product Configuration' and in the ensuing dialog call the product file 'mail.product' . Click Finish.

c) Now we're going to create a feature for the mail project. Click New->Feature Project,

call it 'mail.feature' and in the subsequent page add the 'mail' plugin (Picture below). Click Finish.

d). Now, go back to the product configuration file you created in step b) and open it in the the Product editor. In the overview tab, change the 'This project configuration is based on:' from plugins to features. Now click on the dependencies tab and add the following 2 features

  • org.eclipse.rcp
  • mail.feature


Go back to the overview tab, click 'Synchronize with defining plugin', and 'Launch an Eclipse app' - it should still run! At this stage you can try a product export from the overview page; just accept the defaults and you should get an exported functional RCP app.

So, at this stage we have a product configuration that has all the required functionality to export a working RCP mail application.

Step 2 Creating a headless ant build for the mail client:

First of all, create project 'mail build' and copy in these 2 files:



To get the headless build to work on your machine, you will need to edit some file paths and platform specific settings in 'build.properties'. These are documented at the start of the file.

Build.xml can remain unchanged.

Checkpoint: you can now run the 'Build from workspace' ant target and get a build generated into a folder called user.home/MailBuilds/Builds/I.RCPMail. Unzip the archive and check the application runs.

Step 3: Now we'll finally get round to working with SWTBot!!

Create a new, standard plugin project called 'testMail'. Add the following plugins to the list of required plugins in the 'Dependencies' section:





Now create a testcase called MailApplicationTest in package 'test' with some SWTBot tests; here is a sample below:

package test;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

import java.util.List;

import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.SWTWorkbenchBot;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.matchers.WidgetMatcherFactory;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.finder.widgets.SWTBotView;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.SWTBot;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotMenu;
import org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets.SWTBotShell;
import org.junit.Test;

public class MailApplicationTest {

private SWTWorkbenchBot bot=new SWTWorkbenchBot();

public void testApplicationWindow ()throws Exception{
assertNotNull(bot.shell("RCP Product"));

public void testOpenAnotherView ()throws Exception{
SWTBotMenu file = bot.menu("File").menu("Open Another Message View");
List views = bot.views(WidgetMatcherFactory.withPartName("Message"));
assertEquals(2, views.size());

public void testOpenMessage ()throws Exception{
SWTBotMenu file = bot.menu("File").menu("Open Message");

public void testClickMessageLink ()throws Exception{
SWTBot viewBot = bot.viewByTitle("Message").bot();
SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("Not Implemented");

public void testNavigationView ()throws Exception{
SWTBot viewBot = bot.viewById("mail.navigationView").bot();
String node = viewBot.tree().expandNode("me@this.com").getNodes().get(0);
assertEquals(node, "Inbox");

Now check the tests run by configuring a new SWTBot launch configuration:

Choose 'mail.product' as the product to launch. You may need to go into the 'plugins' tab and 'add required plugins' if the app fails to launch.

Below are screenshots needed to get the launch configuration to work:

CHECKPOINT: You can run the SWTBot tests successfully in the IDE, 5 tests should pass.

Step 4 Finally we're ready to run the tests from an Ant script!!

a) First of all create a new 'General' project called 'mail.test.build' and copy into it the build.xml and build.properties from the mail.build project. We'll come back to these later.

b) Now create a feature for your test plugin. Create a new Feature project called 'testMail.feature' and add the testMail SWTBot test plugin as its single component plugin.

c) In the testMail plugin, create a new product configuration and call the product file 'testMail.product', and make it a feature based product. This product will contain the features needed for the mail app, as well as those needed for SWTBot. The end result is that , when exported, SWTBot and its dependencies will be 'embedded' in the RCP app. So add the following features to the product:

  • mail.feature
  • org.eclipse.rcp (these were needed for our app)
  • testMail.feature (our SWTBot test feature)
  • org.eclipse.swtbot
  • org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse
  • org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.test.junit4 (the swtbot features)
  • org.eclipse.pde
  • org.eclipse.jdt
  • org.eclipse.platform ( dependencies for SWTBot)

CHECK: In the testMail.product configuration overview tab, following a 'synchronize with product's defining plugin' and launching, the test product should launch. Also, an export of the product should proceed successfully (using the Eclipse product export wizard). At this point we don't need the tests to run, we just want to make sure that the app still runs OK

d) Create a headless build of the SWTBotted- mail application. In the mail.test.build project we created in step a), we just need to make a few alterations so it will build our test project:

In build.properties, change the 'product' property to

In build. xml, add the lines :

<include name="testMail*/**" />
<exclude name="testMail*.feature*/**" />
<include name="testMail.feature*/**" />

into the copyProjectsFromFilesystem target

so that it looks like this :

<target name="copyProjectsFromFilesystem">
<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}" />
<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}/plugins" />
<mkdir dir="${buildDirectory}/features" />
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/plugins">
<fileset dir="${sourceDir}">
<include name="mail*/**" />
<include name="testMail*/**" />
<exclude name="*mail*.feature*/**" />
<exclude name="testMail*.feature*/**" />
<copy todir="${buildDirectory}/features">
<fileset dir="${sourceDir}">
<include name="mail.feature*/**" />
<include name="testMail.feature*/**" />

This just ensures we will include the new test features and plugins in the headless build as well.

The build should just run in the same way as for the standard RCP headless app that we performed in stage 2.

CHECKPOINT: Unzip the build and verify that the exported 'Test' build starts properly.

e) Now invoke the tests using an ant task provided by SWTBot as described in the SWTBot wiki . To begin with you can create

a file called 'SWTBottest.xml' in your IDE eclipse and paste in the content below; in real usage you would probably want this to to merged

in with your standard build and invoked automatically after the build has finished.

This task is provided verbatim here and you will need to edit the property

'eclipse-home' to point to your RCP app install.

You may need to alter some of the other properties, for example those concerning your OS, or the SWTBot build IDs. For the RCP mail application, if you have named the projects and artifacts the same as me, you won't have to alter the plugin-name, classname, testProduct or plugin-name properties.

<project name="testsuite" default="run" basedir=".">

<!-- Edit this to be the path to your exoprted RCP application -->
<property name="eclipse-home" value="/Users/radams/MailBuilds/BUILDS/I.RCPMail/RCPMail" />

<!-- The SWTBot build ID (look in plugins/ to see if this is different) -->
<property name="all.buildId" value="" />

<!-- The OS running the tests -->
<property name="os" value="macosx"/>
<property name="ws" value="cocoa"/>
<property name="arch" value="x86"/>

<!-- Edit this to be the name of your test plugin -->
<property name="plugin-name" value="testMail" />
<property name="classname" value="test.MailApplicationTest"/>
<property name="testProduct" value="mail.product"/>
<!-- path to library file ( which should be included in your RCP app) -->
<property name="library-file" value="${eclipse-home}/plugins/org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.junit4.headless_${all.buildId}/library.xml"/>

<!--- Don't need to edit below this point -->
<target name="suite">

<condition property="jvmOption" value="-XstartOnFirstThread -Dorg.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.smallFonts">
<os family="mac"/>

<property name="jvmOption" value=""></property>

<property name="temp-workspace" value="workspace" />
<delete dir="${temp-workspace}" quiet="true" />

<!-- remove junit3 fragment -->
<delete dir="${eclipse-home}/plugins/org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.junit3.headless_${all.buildId}" />
<delete dir="${eclipse-home}/plugins" includes="org.eclipse.swtbot.ant.optional.junit3_${all.buildId}.jar"/>

<ant target="swtbot-test" antfile="${library-file}" dir="${eclipse-home}">
<property name="data-dir" value="${temp-workspace}" />
<property name="testProduct" value="${testProduct}" />
<property name="plugin-name" value="${plugin-name}" />
<property name="classname" value="${classname}" />
<property name="vmargs" value=" -Xms128M -Xmx368M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M ${jvmOption}" />

<target name="cleanup" />

<target name="run" depends="suite,cleanup">
<ant target="collect" antfile="${library-file}" dir="${eclipse-home}">
<property name="includes" value="*.xml" />
<property name="output-file" value="${plugin-name}.xml" />


Now invoke the build - you should the app fire up and the application respond to the tests. You should now be able to follow the results as described in the Eclipse wiki page on SWTBot.


In this blog I've tried to give a complete run-through of all the steps needed to get headless SWTBot tests running for an Eclipse RCP. A complete workspace of the projects is available here which hopefully will give interested readers further clarification on details.

Thanks very much for reading - I hope this is of some use.

Friday, 2 April 2010

Eclipse RCP Headless build experiences

As an Eclipse RCP developer for the past  4 years  the worst experiences we've had by far have always been with the headless build, especially when upgrading. While APIs for UI components remain wonderfully stable across the 3.x series, the headless build and update site change quite markedly from one release to the next and we find it takes several  days work to get the build to work for the new Eclipse. In fact we've been avoiding upgrading from 3.4->3.5 until now precisely because our small team has been reluctant to break our build whilst we've had several deadlines to meet.  

So finally, emboldened by attendance at EclipseCon2010 ( in particular, Kai Toedter's excellent tutorial) we've bit the bullet and upgraded...and it wasn't too bad at all! So here is a high level set of some ' rules for dummies' to get a headless build working for a standard RCP app, along with some gotchas to watch out for.

Rule 1)
 Make sure your product is based on features, not plugins. This will enable updating, and greatly  facilitate a headless build.

Rule 2) Don't even think about trying a headless build until you've got the standard product export from the PDE UI working!

Rule 3) ... and don't try the standard product export until you can run the 'Launch a product' in the IDE from the product overview page. One problem we had with updating was that Eclipse plugins changed somewhat. So we added (as dependent features in our product config) the RCP feature, the Help feature, plus our own application features. Then to find out what plugins were missing we did the following steps:
  1. Click 'synchronize with defining plugin' on the product overview page.
  2. Click 'Launch product', which typically fails to begin with.
  3. Now open the launch configuration for the launch you just did, and click 'Validate plugins'
  4. By scanning the list of missing dependencies you can add these to your product build. We have  an' Eclipse base' feature which contains all the plugins which our app needs but which are not defined in the RCP or Help features. For example we define  a search page that depends on the ltk.refactoring plugins, so we add these ltk plugins to our 'base' feature.
  5. Add these to your 'base feature' (or just your own feature) until the launch configuration works. You are now ready to try the export from the PDE UI with a reasonable chance of success.
Rule 4) Make sure the version of RCP delta pack you use corresponds exactly with your Eclipse install! We careless used an older version of the delta pack which breaks the headless build but the PDE build in the UI seemed to work fine.

Rule 5) If you are migrating form 3.4 to 3.5, remove all of the 'update' plugins from your feature - these are now  replaced by p2 plugins. You may need to remove some menu contributions from your app as this is now all accomplished by the p2.user.ui feature - just make sure you have a top level 'Help' menu in your app.

Rule 6) When creating a build target of Eclipse plugins + RCP delta pack, we were tempted to remove certain features & plugins which we knew our app didn't need (e.g., jdt plugins) in order to reduce its size. Don't do this!! Just download a fresh eclipse, use update sites to install any other plugins you need, and copy in the delta pack features and plugins. This is then your 'target' Eclipse install against which you build your app.

Rule 7) Use a template build.properties file that you know works if you can find one - Kai Toedter's excellent mp3 demo build.properties works pretty much out of the box for 3.5.2 based apps - you just need to change the file locations to those on your system and it just works! 

Whilst this isn't a complete tutorial, hopefully this may be of use to someone who's been banging your head against their screen for the last few days. Indeed perhaps the days of nightmarish headless builds are coming to an end now that p2 is working nicely... at least until e4 comes along!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, 26 March 2010

EclipseCon2010 thoughts

Well, EclipseCon2010 is now over, and what an excellent meeting it was. It was my first attendance and a great way to find out more about the organisation and future aims of the project, put names to faces and meet people.

I was really impressed with the quality of the tutorials - I attended tutorials on SWTBot, serverside Eclipse, and advanced RCP all of which worked flawlessly and were timed very well. (Finally I have some idea how p2 works!) Since we will be giving a tutorial on SBSI at the upcoming ICSB in October 2010 I got some great ideas, such as providing 'sync points' of downloads of the tutorial at various stages, so that people can catch up, or just start from a point they're interested in. Also the use of EtherPad to keep track of questions and issues arising.

As an Eclipse RCP developer, it was great to see a new SWT-native  scientific charting library presented, called SWT XY Graph. Currently we have come across two choices - BIRT chart designer ( which pulls in a lot of other plugins and can bloat a small application) or JFreeChart via an SWT-AWT bridge ( which works quite well but can be a little unresponsive at times). So this new plugin could be a very welcome alternative. 
Another new project which look interesting is Graphiti, which aims to provide rapid development of GEF based editors. The first release should be in June.

The HPC world is  being included in the Eclipse community now -  the 
Parallel Tools Platform aims to provide static analysis and debugging facilities, and a world class IDE for developers writing applications for HPC

It  was  also good to come across a smattering of life sciences people at EclipseCon, who either attended my talk or congregated around Ola Spjuth's Bioclipse poster. It will be fun to try to collaborate to make  Eclipse plugins for biology more interoperable and expand the potential scope for users.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

RCP apps for Systems Biology at EclipseCon2010

At this year's EclipseCon I'll be giving a talk about the uses of Eclipse technologies for Systems Biology. This is a really exciting discipline in biology involving biologists, mathematicans, computer scientists and engineers trying to build predictive models of biological processes. 
 With its huge assortment of plugins Eclipse provides  the flexible and extensible software services for the wide range of systems biology users. For example, less mathematically inclined biologists can take advantage of the wizards, dialogs and validating editors; while more computationally literate users can use the C++ or Java IDE to develop computational models directly.
 In my talk I'll give an overview of the aims and scope of systems biology, its demands for novel software, and describe how Eclipse technology has been used to develop applications for pathway visualization, process algebra modelling, and  in particular, model optimisation.