About Me

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I'm project manager of a software development team at www.researchspace.com. I've been developing bioinformatics software for the last 9 years or so, and I'm hoping to share some of the experience and knowledge I've gained with Eclipse RCP, Java web app development and software development in general on these blogs.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

RCP apps for Systems Biology at EclipseCon2010

At this year's EclipseCon I'll be giving a talk about the uses of Eclipse technologies for Systems Biology. This is a really exciting discipline in biology involving biologists, mathematicans, computer scientists and engineers trying to build predictive models of biological processes. 
 With its huge assortment of plugins Eclipse provides  the flexible and extensible software services for the wide range of systems biology users. For example, less mathematically inclined biologists can take advantage of the wizards, dialogs and validating editors; while more computationally literate users can use the C++ or Java IDE to develop computational models directly.
 In my talk I'll give an overview of the aims and scope of systems biology, its demands for novel software, and describe how Eclipse technology has been used to develop applications for pathway visualization, process algebra modelling, and  in particular, model optimisation.

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